باب و جامعۀ بابی ایران

باب و جامعۀ بابی ایران 214 شناسی ‌ کتاب Unpublished manuscript sources of the Writings of the Báb Tafsír súrat al-baqara Cambridge University, Browne F. 8 INBA69 = Majmú‘ah-yi áthár-yi ḥaḍrat-i A‘lá, Iran National Bahá’í Archives, Teheran lxix (1976), 157-410. Two uncatalogued MSS in the Princeton University ‘Bábí Collection’. All references to the Báb’s Tafsír súrat al-baqara in this chapter are to INBA. Tafsír súrat al-baqara, 2nd juz’ (partial) Bibliothèque nationale de France Or. 5805 British Library Or. 7845 Majmú‘ah-yi áthár-yi ḥaḍrat-i A‘lá, Iran National Bahá’í Archives, Teheran lxix (1976), 377-410. Risálat al-sulúk Tehran Bahá’í Archives MS. 6006. C., pp. 73-4. Risálah-yi i‘tiqádát Majmú‘ah-yi áthár-yi ḥaḍrat-i A‘lá, Iran National Bahá’í Archives lxix (1976), 411-16. Tafsír súrat wa’l-‘aṣr, Cambridge University, Browne F. 9 (6). Tafsír súrat Yúsuf QA = Haifa uncatalogued MS, dated 28 Jumádá al-Úlá, 1261[= 3 June 1845] (pagination added). Cambridge University, Browne F. 11 (9), dated 1891. Published Writings of the Báb, Baha’u’llah and Shoghi Effendi The Báb, Bayán-i fársí (= Le Béyan Persan, 4 vols., translated by Alphonse Louis Marie Nicolas (Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1911-14. The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb, translated by Habib Taherzadeh et al. Bahá’í World Centre: Haifa, 1978.