02 ژانویه 2017

دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی کرمانشاه

در این سند، سید رضا لواسانی، قاضی شرع دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی کرمانشاه در شهریور 1360، به شرکت زمزمِ کرمانشاه دستور اخراج کارمندان و کارکنان بهائی را ابلاغ می‌کند و شرط ادامه‌ی اشتغال آنها را توبه کردن و اعلام تدین به دین اسلام و مذهب شیعه اثنی‌عشری و انعکاس همین مطلب در روزنامه‌های کثیرالانتشار همراه با عکس تعیین می‌کند و برای این اقدام کمتر از 3 هفته وقت تعیین می‌شود.

In His Name the Exalted

Islamic Republic of Iran

Islamic Revolutionary Court of Kermanshah


Num. 1, Mobile

Date: 60/6/10 [1 Sep 1981]


From: Islamic Revolutionary Court of Kermanshah

To: Zamzam Company of Kermanshah


Concerning the Bahá’í workers and employees in that company, it is hereby declared, that if the Bahá’í workers and employees are willing to repent, and record in their personnel files that they are followers of Islam and the Twelver Shiate sect, and publish and reflect this fact in the widely circulated newspapers of the country along with their photograph, they can continue their employment in that company. Otherwise, they must be expelled. The deadline is end of Shahrivar of 1360 (22 September 1981).

Shari‘a Judge of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Kermanshah,

Siyyid Reza Lavasani



[Source: Sarkoob va Koshtar Degar-andishan-e-Mazhabi dar Iran, Vol. 2, P.45, Document Number 5.]