01 ژانویه 2017

اخراج فرهنگیان بهائی در آذربایجان شرقی

این متن در اواخر بهمن 58 در روزنامه‌ی اطلاعات درج شده و حاکی از اخراج 153 نفر از کارکنان و فرهنگیان اداره‌ی آموزش و پرورش آذربایجان شرقی است. بنا بر این خبر حدود 50 نفر از آنها به علت باور به آیین بهائی اخراج شده‌اند و صریحاً قید شده که اگر دین اسلام را بپذیرند به کار فراخوانده خواهند شد.

Charged with Cooperation with SAVAK [Former Iranian intelligence & counter-intelligence agency] and Practicing Bahá’ísm


153 individuals are discharged from Eastern Azerbaijan

Department of Education


Tabriz - Director General of Eastern Azerbaijan Department of Education declared in an interview with Ettelaat reporter that 153 of its employees and educators would be cleansed.  Dr. Nayyeri-vand, Director General of Eastern Azerbaijan stated: “This week 30 of the academic accomplices of the dissolved SAVAK, and about 50 academics who are Bahá’ís will be cleansed from the Department of Education of the State [Eastern Azerbaijan].”.  He further added that this cleansing will take place with careful investigation and complete diligence.  Likewise, another 73, who comprise SAVAK accomplices among teachers of high schools and elementary schools, have already been cleansed and removed.  Dr. Nayyeri-Vand added that in case the Bahá’ís accept the religion of Islam, they would be called back to their jobs, otherwise, their case would be referred to the Revolutionary Court of Tabriz for investigation.



Source: Sarkoob va Koshtar Degar-andishan-e-Mazhabi dar Iran, Vol. 2, P.61, Document Number 13.